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    Microsoft Power BI & Microsoft Security

    February 21 l 9:00AM CT

    Sign Up Now

    Join Coretek, One of Microsoft’s Top US Azure Expert MSP Partners for a Learning Session Focused on Microsoft Power BI & Security.

    AGENDA (9:00am CT - 5:00pm CT)

    9:00am CT - Kickoff Session: M365 E5 Entitlement Overview

    10:00am CT - Track 1 & 2  Begin

    12:00pm CT - Break

    1:00pm CT - Track 1 & 2 Breakout Sessions Begin

    5:00pm CT - Session Concludes

    MTC-tracks (1200 x 628 px) (1200 x 800 px) (2000 x 1200 px) (3)

    Power BI Prerequisites: Install Power BI Desktop & have a CSV file of your date or sample data will be provided during the session.

    Hosted on Microsoft Teams

    Register now to reserve your spot! Due to limited capacity, Coretek will be in touch to confirm your reservation.

    Sign Up Now!